Prioritizing Culturally Relevant Solutions

Evidence-Based Approach

The Final Agreement provides the full implementation of an evidence-based approach to adjusting FNCFS funding to account for the increased costs associated with remoteness.

Accounting For Remoteness

The Final Agreement that has been negotiated will use a groundbreaking methodology for accounting for remoteness.

Remoteness Quotient Adjustment Factor

The Final Agreement provides remote First Nations with remoteness adjustment funding (RQ Adjustments) based on full implementation of the Remoteness Quotient Adjustment Factor (“RQAF”) methodology. This results in a national average RQ Adjustment of 30% and a NAN-wide average RQ Adjustment of 98%.

Estimating Costs

The remoteness methodology outlined in the Final Agreement will be the first instance of using a First Nations-informed, evidence-based approach for estimating the increased costs associated with remoteness and adjusting funding accordingly.

Adjustment Funding

The remoteness funding adjustment will apply to funding for prevention, First Nation Representative Services, post-majority support services, household supports, information technology, results and emergency.

Remoteness Secretariat

A Remoteness Secretariat will be established by Nishnawbe Aski Nation and the National Assembly of Remote Communities to serve as a hub for remoteness research, data, and the dissemination of best practices.